Sunday, February 26, 2012

If tomorrow never comes

So last night,the words to Garth Brooks hit comes to mind, "IF tomorrow never comes, will she know how much I loved her". First, because I was dreading the goodbyes but also because I hope New Hope Church is really aware of how much she means to me...and I'm not talking about the building! I can honestly say they have shown,given and taught me so much about love. From the first meeting, the capacity to love was evident. It must be something special about these western Kentucky FOLKS- Woodlawn loved us amazingly too! I thank you for so many precious things First, PATIENCE for a young pastor in his first pastorate. That it has lasted 8 years is normally unheard of and what has been done is nothing short of a miracle. The KINDNESS you've shown my family during the illness and loss of my mother was tremendous. You have been the bearer of so many things,believed in my husband even when he was such a newby. You kept the hope and endured rough and also wonderful times with each other, us and as a church family. I hope I will be able to pass on and exemplify the love of Jesus as you have done for me. You have been the living, breathing scripture of 1 Corinthians 13:4. I must remind you what it says on into verse 8, Love never ends.... and it will not for me once we are gone either. Thank you New Hope Church, Western Kentucky and Metropolis friends as well. So glad God gave me this gift of crossing paths with you.


  1. Very well said Bert. I know where you are coming from. May God bless y'all on your new adventures! I love ya and hope to see ya some day!

  2. Blessings to the Revrunts Wife who has become my friend..... I could say so much... But I'll leave it with "you are loved."
