Saturday, January 29, 2011

The Sacred Journey...

Hello there...
Been struggling to read a book called "The Sacred Journey" for months!!! Recently, I personally have been feeling like I needed to take a few new steps to exercise my faith. How ironic that the same time my husband embarked upon a trip to Colombia, South America was the time God said "go time!" for the exercise. This is not what I had planned!!!
Last time my husband went on a mission trip my son collapsed on a field trip and earned a trip to the emergency room. This week, my father's health declined and the journey we took was also the emergency room, that has earned him at least a 3 night stay in the Doctor's Inn. As I have been trying to let God know I wanted to know him and trust him more, nowhere was it ever in my mind that my journey would just be to my local medical complex where I would meet tons of wonderful folks who have been encouraging my father back to good health. My exercise I believe this far is to rely upon God for my strength, keep my cool with my children without assistance from their dad (since he's out of the country) and encourage my dad to get well soon!
The Sacred Journey by Charles Foster is a discovery of the pilgrimage we take on the path of life. We can either choose to take the adventure and live it out partially or fully or we can sit back to lack of organization or too much caution. Truthfully, I felt like the book was difficult to read and skipped around with its tales, locations, and lessons. I do believe it gave many wonderful citings about the journey Jesus took as a human and how he called people to follow him. The writer stresses walking and travel are a necessity and that God has a bent towards nomads. One point I found very philosophical but true is that arrival is less important than the journey. Along the way, you will find important lessons that are learned, and during said journey parts of you will be changed, as well as things lost, physically and emotionally as well as things won. The author continually reiterates that we my physically walk, move, depart, leave and go. Personally, I don't think a sacred journey has to be about that. I truly believe a sacred journey that our Lord requires of us is to get beyond ourselves and see to those about us--- like he did!
I received this book free from the publisher through the book review program for bloggers by . I was not required to write a positive review of this book. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission requirements of 16 CFR, part 255.
Because my own life and the ones around me I feel are a part of a scared journey not a walk that physically has to be manuevered but must be lived out in our daily stayings and goings, I found it odd that I finally was able to finish this on the lack of a walk I'm having as we sit in the hospital!

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