Monday, July 30, 2007

Summertime,Summertime,Sum, Sum,Summertime

Wow!... This summer has flown by... I love summer. I love freedom. I love being able to have fun!!!!
I am such a kid. We had a great day today. Alyssa, Hunter, Baylee and I went to the library, Dairy Queen, Noble Park, Alyssa's house swimming and then back to our house for movies!!! Wow!!! That's a lot in one day!
On the other hand, there's my parents at home struggling with my mom's brain cancer. Tomorrow we're heading up there for the rest of the week. I hope to give my dad a break and my mom some encouragement.
Baylee and Hunter seem to do that for her. They do anybody really. I have great kids. The little one's a little difficult but overall a blessing.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Come on Baby, Let the good times roll!

Good day... Good day! We had a really good day at church today and it's time to kick off Women's ministry--- I'm so excited & nervous about starting this adventure. I want this to not be about me or Deena but a great thing for all our ladies. I hope that we can draw others in with this ministry.
Ate at the Wingstop... a feel good place... man I can't wait for summer now!
Well... almost time for evening church so I better get all the diapers changed and snacks passed out.

Monday, April 2, 2007

Monday, Monday

Monday, Monday---
It doesn't sound like such a glum day anymore.
We are now creating a Family Fun Day with our family to make the hum drum--- so fun!!!
We've just returned from a weekend to remember conference. What a great weekend and an experience to take home and change our family!
I am so excited about lies ahead. I"m excited how when we give God glory, we are renewed and revived as well.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Hard Day's Night

Seems like each day has it's hard part anymore and then the night often does too. Life's been showing it's ugly side a lot lately and I just can't believe the curves it's been throwing. Mom's battle with cancer. Her friend passing away. Cheryl's infection and diabetes scare. My friends' job was taken away with a lame excuse. Baylee's still not sleeping all night. These are just a few of the precious moments that have been going on. It's been a hard day and night lately.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

I can't get no satisfaction

My husband thinks that I am the one that's never satisfied... when in reality it's really him!!!
He is never satisfied with his amount of toys, guns, time to hunt or boots/shoes. " I don't know how to love him" might also be a good title.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

WE are so Blessed

I think I can start each blog with a song title.
Total I just want to say how blessed I am with two beautiful and sweet children. I thank God for this blessing. It's amazing.
I am overwhelmed and exhausted most of the time... but always amazed at the blessing these two little ones are.
Lord help me to be a better mommy to them.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Bert's First Bla Bla Blog

It's my party and I can blog how I want to