Amazingly, Baylee received a "listening aware" today. She obviously goes to school and does as we prayed she had, however, we still have yet to get her to use that skill in our home. I'm thrilled she used her skills at school, and I'm praying it starts at home.
This evening, I was going out to pitch a few balls to Baylee. She carries her bat over her shoulders with her arms hanging over the top and says, "Look, I'm dying on the cross". Oh sweetheart... Somebody's already done that so please don't start trying to save yourself by doing it again... It just ain't gonna work!!!
Lastly, Jeff and Hunter go to the new Hucks in town! They were so excited and got an icee. Hunter checks the place out and says... "Daddy, you could live here!!! They've got gas, drinks, pizza, food and bathrooms!" How we can be so pleased with the simple, bare necessities... Although these are not the things that fill and satisfy our souls... it's good he sees this is all that must be supplied and not have to have excess.
My sinus cavities have just opened up after killing me... nose is freezing... does that make me a "cold-noser?"